A warm welcome

I would just like to express my gratitude to you for visiting this Blog, I hope you enjoy reading the pieces as much as I enjoyed writing them !!

Monday 9 May 2011

The Sunglass Hut

I just thought I would tell you about my delayed flight to the Canary Islands,

After it was delayed by 3 hrs  I kept telling myself not to get lured into any of the duty free shops

Before I knew it I found myself wandering around the Sunglass Hut, I was astonished at the price of designer glasses
I couldn't help but notice the saleslady smiling at me every time we made eye contact, I couldn't believe my luck, I spent half an hour wandering around the shop making eye contact.

By now I felt obliged to buy something so I randomly picked up a pair of Ralph Lauren shades and approached the till, this time I couldn't tell whether she was smiling or laughing at me as she charged  me £100.

As she was wrapping up my shades she pointed out that with these glasses you don't get Cataracts.

I thought to myself bloody typical and angrily replied "And I suppose I have to pay extra for the Cataracts !!"

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